Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cookies: Yum or Yuck?

I recently viewed a tutorial on Atomic Learning about "Explaining Cookies," and not the kind you eat. I have always heard about cookies, but never really knew what they were until now. I initially thought a cookie was a bad thing on the web, but that was the extent of my knowledge...just try to stay away from cookies!

After viewing the cookie tutorial I feel more comfortable with what a cookie is and what to look for while I'm online. In short, I learned that cookies are a website's way of getting to know you and providing customized service. Just like in Starbucks! (I like the idea of walking in and having my Hazelnut coffee ready on sight. The barista even greets me by name and continues a conversation that we started days earlier.) Cookies do the same thing on line. When entering a website, the site watches your interactions and gets a feel for what you like. Later, when returning to the website you have a friendly greeting of recommendations tailored to your previous preferences. These are good cookies known as persistent or session cookies.

I am not surprised to find that there are cookies that will leave a bad taste in your mouth. Tracking cookies do just that. They track where you go on the web and report your most intimate details to advertising companies. These companies can cross reference your information and website history to pick out private information about your lifestyle. While cookies can be blocked they will most often return. Knowing that these types of cookies exist is the beginning to safe experiences online.

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