My first class towards a Masters in Educational Technology went by in an instant. However, I know that I’ve only scratched the surface of what’s to come in the ever-changing world of technology. My initial Personal Growth Plan was filled with aspirations to integrate technology in my own classroom. I also hoped to make student use as safe as possible. I now realize that these goals were partly achieved and will come to be over time. My goals will also slightly shift according to my changing understandings of digital resources. In the future I plan on consistently integrating different technology while stepping back to allow my students a spot in the driver’s seat. I have failed to trust my students as a technology resource, while in the first grade, they have more to offer than I previously considered possible. Continuing my own education with regard to a Masters in Educational Technology will better guide me in my quest to become an effective 21st Century educator on behalf of my future students.
Now more than ever, I feel that I’ve gained confidence with digital resources, and I know where to go when questions arise. Integrating the Internet with my own learning has made my experiences with technology more concrete. I am also grateful for the Internet tips and ideas that served as a coach, mentor, and protector. The support of Atomic Learning as well as (surprising to me) You Tube has been invaluable. I especially enjoy the brief and to the point, Plain English clips! Most of all, I feel more comfortable with the technology that I had already explored prior to the course. For example, I was familiar with Blogs and some of their capabilities. Now I know more about embedding clips, siting work, and the range of Blogs that are available for resources and informational updates.
There were times when my learning felt limited with some of the new technology. Being a visual learner, I would sit in front of my computer and wish for someone to show me a trick. There are short cuts and long pathways to achieving a desired outcome, and I most frequently took the longer route on my computer. Putting off frustrations, I would research and explore until I found a way around a problem. For example, I played around a lot with my Google Calendar. I wanted to import it to my Blog in a mini-file. Whenever I tried, the link would disappear along with my patience. Eventually, I posted a picture of a Google Calendar with the correct link. This leads me to question the efficiency of online learning.
I have learned that effective teaching strategies must be relevant and purposeful when integrating technology into my own classroom. I have been introduced to Twitter, LinkedIn, MACUL, Google, Flickr, Diigo, Delicious, Blogging, and You Tube along with other resources brought to me through my classmates like Glogster, Prezi, and QR Codes. I’d love to bring every bit of this technology into my classroom, but I want to do it all justice. Meaning that I plan to roll out bits and pieces over time after having the chance to establish a meaningful purpose for my students. My student’s safety with technology is of the utmost importance. My assignment on PC Maintenance exemplifies good teaching and aligns to my Personal Growth Plan. In this assignment I viewed interesting topics on Atomic Learning, and reported their benefits to my own classroom experience. I especially enjoyed the technique of safeguarding Google Images so that inappropriate pictures don’t surface upon random searches. I am looking forward to integrating additional digital media in my classroom to enhance the curriculum both academic as well as social.