Technology these days! As soon as you think you know what’s going on everything is updated.As I become familiar with the ins and outs of blogs and web pages I am in search of what best fits my needs as a student, a teacher, and a member of the World Wide Web.
Web pages are full of information and content that I use each day. I go to web pages to find creative ideas for student projects as well as recipes for dinner. Usually the web pages are established by an organization or business, some charging for their brainpower. Web pages can be tricky to maneuver, and most every web page is unique. However, there are so many web pages available that I am always able to find what I need through a quick search.
Blogs are more personal and user friendly. There is a familiarity with Blogs and their set up so that I can navigate easily from one Blog to the next. I go to Blogs to find what particular people are doing, and I interact through commenting and following new posts. Blogs are free, but I have noticed that some teachers are now linking to sites that allow them to charge for their creativity.
I have used both web pages and Blogs as a teacher and they have their own pros and cons. Blogs are easy to update, but I feel that I have to post too frequently. I also feel restricted by what I can and can’t post on a Blog. My classroom web page is also restricted, but the content is more contained by categories. Pictures and other materials are in their own files and I post less frequently.
It seems that overtime, as technology is constantly being updated, that Blogs and web pages are here to stay. I have also noticed that they are continuing to change and bring out the best in each other.